CrossCheck presentation deck

//CrossCheck presentation deck

In a secure way do digital agreements, make/receive digital payments, and digital delivery with other entities or customers

Crosscheck is a new way to do business ensuring follow-up, safe procedure, safe money transfer across cultures, guaranteeing the delivery of quality products and services in a way that reduces mistakes, and makes business more efficient and cost-effective, saving your organization thousands of dollars*.

How does Crosscheck do that?  Simply create your business process, and follow define the steps to happen.

Is programming difficult? No programming language is needed, instead, you write down your procedure and agreed with your business partners the steps to follow.

What are the steps?  Each step is defined in an agreement. Each responsible partner signs the agreement that defines what has to be done, pay and deliver.

Here are some examples…

  • When an organization needs to agree on the terms to work together with other entities or customers, they use CrossCheck as a unique situs/portal to identify the parties, to write, consult, sign, and register the agreement among themselves.
  • When an organization needs to ensure payment for work carried out with others, they use CrossCheck to set up and coordinate their respective accounts, to agree on the timing, currency, and forms of payment, and to ensure settlement of the amounts due.
  • When an organization needs to deliver results – outputs, such as reports and meeting benchmarks, in a project with their customers, they use CrossCheck to record, remit, keep track of the status of deliverables, and distribute incentives if required.
  • When an organization uses expensive equipment and many subcontractors, much can be saved by having the correct procedures, they use Crosscheck to check at distance without intermediaries if everything is going according to plan.


By | 2022-12-14T23:56:43-04:00 Diciembre 14th, 2022|Sin categoría|0 Comments

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